Welcome to the Discussion Group for Licensed Users of Quantified Tree Risk Assessment.
The purpose of the list is to enable Licensed Users of Quantified Tree Risk Assessment to discuss the use and application of the system.
Technical questions will be answered by our staff and other Licensed Users. Over time, your application of the system will raise questions, answers to some of which will be found in a threaded archive, others will be answered on a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.
Your participation will help to develop your understanding of QTRA and maximise the benefits of the system to both you and your clients
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When responding to a message from the archive, you have the options of 'Reply to Sender or 'to List'. Unless there is an overriding reason to do otherwise, you should reply to the list.
Please note that it is a condition of subscription to the list that you treat any message sent through the list or stored in the list's archive as confidential.